Mission Statement

Our passion is nature, our vision is through experience people will love, respect, and protect nature with Sustainable Tourism and implement Environmental Practices in everyday life.

Whitsunday Islands Camping Connections are committed to ensuring the conservation and protection of our World Heritage Natural Wonder, The Great Barrier Reef.

To ensure our operations are sustainable for the environment Whitsunday Island Camping Connections deliver in-depth conservation and responsible practices focused in-person briefings to all guests who travel prior to commencing their stay within the Whitsunday Islands. These briefings are conducted at each camp site highlighting the specifics of the area and best practices to ensure the national park is kept pristine, education on local flora and fauna, acknowledgment of the Traditional Owners and bringing to life the history of our First Nations people and their connections to the Land and Sea Country.

Whitsunday Islands Camping Connections are a ‘Be Pest Free’ accredited business. Currently the Great Barrier Reefs Islands are the most pest-free islands in the world, and we endeavor to keep it that way. As our World Heritage area has international importance our guests are included in our conservation efforts to ensure our Islands are maintained and kept as pest free as possible. This is completed through interactive education prior to the vessel departing at port. Ensuring all items taken to an Island is clean and clear of any pest species eliminating the chances of endangering the unique biodiversity of our Whitsunday Islands. As guests depart an Island all equipment hired is cleaned and examined guaranteeing there is no cross-contamination of any species of plant or animal transferred from island to island.  For more information, please see the link below:



Our Vessel Scamper does not have a toilet onboard as guests are encouraged to utilise the National Park Islands toilet facilities or the mainland prior to departure. Not having toilet facilities onboard the vessel means there is no sewage dumped into the National Park, aligning with Whitsunday Island Camping Connections commitment to Sustainability minimizing our environmental impacts to our greatest extent.

Whitsunday Islands Camping Connections endeavors to demonstrate our ongoing conscious decision to support our local community wherever we can. Airlie Health Hub provides all the cleaning products the business and vessel require, Australian owned ecofriendly products ensure no harmful chemicals are used on any of our equipment we supply to our guests.


On average Australians use 130kg of plastic per year per person, with less than 12% recycled. Alarmingly, up to 130,000 tonnes of plastic will find its way into our waterways and into the ocean. Whitsunday Islands Camping Connections have taken a stance on eliminating single used plastics from the business and equipment provided to our guests as we supply water containers for all our guests ensuring minimal to no plastics are taken to the islands. All rubbish and recyclables are bagged and transported back to the mainland for proper disposal whilst we also encourage our guests to participate in a beach and island clean up prior to departure from each island with the vision of leaving our world heritage area cleaner than how we found it contributing to our long-term protection and conservation of our natural wonder.

Master Reef Guides

Whitsunday Island Camping Connection also has their very own Master Reef Guide, The Master reef guide program is delivered by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators and Tourism and Events Queensland and is the first of its kind for the Reef.

There are currently 82 Master Reef Guides located across the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, from the Ribbon Reefs in the north to Lady Elliot Island in the southern Great Barrier Reef.

Master Reef Guides are striving to be the world’s leading reef guides and interpreters sharing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

As reef ambassadors they impart up-to-date scientific and management information about the reef and explain what people can do to make a difference.

The company is very proud to be a part of this program and hopes to gain more master reef guides in the future.

GBRMPA – Master Reef Guides


Master Reef Guide Sarah has literally grown up on boats and amongst the tourism industry, with her parents starting the Hervey Bay Whale Watch industry in Australia when she was just a baby. Naturally, her passion and connection for the ocean and its marine life grew.

Sarah moved up the Queensland coast to the warmer waters of the Whitsundays and believes she has the best job in the world, getting to take people snorkelling amongst the Great Barrier Reef and relaxing on the gorgeous Whitehaven Beach.

“I am one of those people that shows you, you can live your passion, do it well and get recognised for it. I was the youngest female skipper in Queensland, I obtained my dream job, and now being selected to be part of the dream team of the Great Barrier Reef, as a Master Reef Guide”.

Cultural Connection and Traditional Owners

Components of the Great Barrier Reef can hold many values including natural heritage value indigenous heritage value historical heritage value and social economic or aesthetic value. there are many examples of components that hold value for aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Great Barrier Reef.

Indigenous heritage values encompass both physical and non-physical expressions of traditional owners’ relationships with country, people, beliefs, knowledge, law, language, symbols, ways of living, sea, land and objects all of which are from indigenous spirituality including heritage places handle values, the environment is inseparable from cultural identity with cultural practices inextricably linked to plants animals and the environment. Traditional owners view indigenous heritage as everything in sea country.


Those of aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who have spiritual or cultural affiliations with the site or area in the marine park or as holders of native title with that site or area attend traditional owners. For over 60,000 years the traditional connections to sea country have been part of their unique living maritime culture and today the traditional customs and spiritual law continued to be practiced in their use of sea country and natural resources.

Acknowledgement of Country – At Scamper Island Camping we wish to pay our respect to the traditional custodians of this land and sea from the Ngaro and Gia Tribes, both past present and emerging, and thank them for the welcoming us to their native land. We recognise their continuing connection to land and sea with heritage, customs, and beliefs. We encourage our guests to learn about the indigenous people of Australia as it is a interesting journey and deserve to be respected.

Eco Certification

Whitsunday Island Camping Connection – with both Businesses (Scamper Island Camping & Water Bikes Whitsunday) has recently gained Advanced Eco Certification in 2023

We are so proud of this acheivement, and being recognised as a High Standard Tourism Operator within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. To showcase this beautiful and natural landscaper and teach others the importance of Maine and Wildlife is what we love to do.

If you are travelling up or down the coast and wish to use High Standard tourism operators for your experiences. We can point you in the right direction to use Eco friendly businesses like ourselves, that way you know you are using businesses that are all about protection and education on the Reef.

Scamper Island Camping is certified through Ecotourism
Australia’s world leading ecotourism certification program. This means that when
you travel with us, you are supporting a business that is backed by a strong, wellmanaged commitment to sustainable practices and provides high-quality naturebased tourism experiences.
Our certification demonstrates our commitment to:
o Looking after our natural environment
o Offering quality interpretation and educating guests
o Supporting and engaging our local community
o Reducing our carbon footprint
o Protecting our unique wildlife and endangered species
o Making real contributions to conservation
o Helping to preserve Australian Indigenous cultures
o Providing an unforgettable, high-quality guest experience
The Ecotourism Australia Certification programs are recognised by the Global
Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).


Responsible Travel

Responsible travel creates positive Change

By choosing Scamper Island Camping, an Advanced Ecotourism Australia Certified Operator, you’re consciously reducing your environmental footprint. The Ecotourism Australia Certification program guarantees that our endorsed products are backed by a robust and well-managed dedication to best practices. Utilize the resources provided by Ecotourism Australia to travel thoughtfully and make a meaningful contribution to the conservation of the stunning Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

To enhance the positive impact on our natural environment and local communities, utilize the valuable resources provided by Ecotourism Australia to travel responsibly and contribute actively to the conservation and preservation of the stunning Whitsunday Islands and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Minimal Impact Fishing

It is important to understand and adhere to fishing regulations, such as size and possession limits, and seasonal or area closures to ensure the prosperity of species.

When practicing catch and release:

1. Only use local species as live baits or artificial baits. Any unused live bait can be returned to the water for another chance at life.
2. Help keep ecosystems thriving and report environmental damage and pollution to the relevant authorities.
3.Don’t forget to take all your litter and tackle.
4. Use wet hands and a minimum of handling will
5. Give catch time to recover
6. Use artificial baits with barbless hooks

Use a dehooker when you can see the hook; if the hook can’t be found, cut the line as close to the hook as possible.

Practice catch and release fishing or do not take more fish than required for your needs.

If you intend to eat your catch:

The RSPCA recommends two methods for killing a fish humanely: percussive stunning and spiking.
Do not let the fish die in holding water, in ice water, by asphyxiation outside water or bleeding out,without stunning.

Use fish-cleaning stations where available and discard fish waste appropriately (not into areas of high recreational use)

Minimal Impact Snorkeling/diving

To fully enjoy marine life in its natural habitat, let it be. Avoid touching animals and their homes. Feeding fish makes them more vulnerable to predators. Plus, they may end up eating less of their usual food (e.g., algae) which can quickly and negatively impact the entire ecosystem. 

If you get tired, it’s better to find a floating device to rest on rather than touching the ground. Non-confident swimmers may even want to snorkel with a life jacket or a pool noodle. If you do need to stand up, have a look down to make sure there’s nothing fragile underneath, like corals. You don’t want to ruin somebody else’s home!

Free swimming animals should not be chased, ridden or herded as this could cause severe stress for the animal. Remember, you are a visitor to this  environment and interactions with living or dead items is discouraged. 

The ocean needs it more than we do! Collecting  shells, coral or animals can severely alter ecosystems and have serious consequences for marine animals. You don’t want to lose your gear. Make sure your equipment is secure to avoid dragging or damaging wildlife and corals, and polluting the ocean. 


Practice your techniques. Your finning technique is important as most damaging contacts to the reef come from contact with fins. If you know how to kick backwards, it can help to move away while looking at the reef. If you’re free diving, you should be good enough not to need to hold onto things underwater. If you do want to hold on to something, make sure it’s dead (like a rock)


Frequently Asked Questions

Before you visit

  • Clean out your camping gear before packing up for a trip to the islands.
  • Sweep out tent floors, concentrating on the corners, stitching and hook and loop fasteners such as Velcro.
  • Wash down dirty tent poles and pegs to stop soil pathogens spreading onto the islands.
  • Give backpacks, raincoats and hats a thorough clean.
  • Check and remove seeds and soil from your shoes.
  • Ensure no mice, rats, toads, geckoes, ants and other insects (and their eggs) are hiding on your vessel, your aircraft or in your luggage, food, equipment or supplies.
  • Leave pets on your vessel or at home. They can harbour fleas, ticks and other pests. Domestic animals aren’t permitted in national parks, or on some beaches adjoining national park islands.

When on an island

  • Stay on the marked walking tracks to avoid spreading weeds across the island.
  • Always clean up before you move from one island to the next.
  • all rubbish must be contained and brought back to the mainland for either recycle or proper disposal.

For more info please visit






When viewing turtle nesting

  • Do not approach a turtle emerging from the water or moving up the beach
  • On sighting a turtle emerging from the water, keep still and turn off all lights until laying begins
  • Do not alter the environment in any way
  • Limit the use of light by turning torches off whenever possible and viewing with ambient light. Turtles may get confused by artificial light and may not finish nesting
  • Use low wattage torches (less than three-volt, two-cell) with red cellophane or a filter over the bulb
  • Never shine lights directly onto turtles – angle the light towards the sand at the side of the turtle
  • Stay well clear (at least two metres) of turtles nesting, covering their nest and moving up or down the beach – never stand in their pathway or make them alter their course
  • Keep still and quiet – sudden movements will disturb turtles
  • Remain behind turtles as they dig and lay their eggs – do not stand in front or where they can see you
  • Restrict use of flash photography to a minimum and only take flash photos during the egg laying phase. Always take these photos from behind the turtle
  • Turn off all lights and do not use flash photography when the turtle is returning to the sea
  • Remove lights and back away from the turtles if they appear stressed
  • Watch where you step to avoid crushing eggs or hatchlings. Do not disturb or dig up nests.


When viewing hatching

  • Stay well clear (at least two meters) of nests where hatchlings are emerging
  • Limit the use of light and never shine lights directly onto hatchlings. Hatchlings may become confused by artificial light and may not make it to the ocean
  • Use low wattage torches (less than three-volt, two-cell) with red cellophane or a filter over the bulb
  • Do not shine torches out to sea when hatchlings are in the water – this may cause the hatchlings to return to shore
  • Allow hatchlings to dig themselves out of the nest and run to the sea without disturbance or assistance
  • Do not touch or handle hatchlings
  • Never interfere with natural events (for example, rescuing hatchlings from seabirds or predatory fish).











Humpback whales (Megaptera Novangalie)

These are the most regularly sighted whale in the Whitsunday waters, following the Australian coastline on their northern and return migratory path from the Antarctic between May and November each year. They can be seen along parts of the eastern coastline from beaches and headlands as well as the water.

The most common time to see these majestic animals is from July to October in the Whitsundays, as the whales follow the current trails. The East Australian current is much closer to the Coastline for their southern Journey, and this is when they are more commonly spotted within the Islands.

Knowing the basic statistics about a humpback whale does little to prepare you for the surprise and awe of seeing a 16 metre, 40 tonne mammal all but completely lift itself out of the water then crash back into the sea sending spray 10 metres into the air.

When a whale surfaces, the simple act of exhaling results in a ‘blow’ of spray and air that shoots up to 4 metres in the air as it empties 90% of the contents of its lungs in less than 2 seconds. The whale’s lung capacity is about the same volume as a small car.

Then, when it breathes in and dives, it can stay submerged for up to 30 minutes.

The Humpback whale gets is latin name by meaning Giant wing, its pectoral fins are a 3rd of the length of its overall body and can be as long as 5m!

They are a very inquisitive mammal, with younger Whales known to quite commonly come and check out the weird people on the boats waving at them. So you may never know your luck, you might get a close encounter.


(if you want to know any more about Humpback Whales ask for Sarah, she has grown up within the Whale watching Industry and is more than happy to share her knowledge)



Dugong are associated with areas of seagrass along the Queensland coast. Moreton Bay is a stronghold and supports a large population often sighted from boats. Seeing them from land is much harder but is possible with effort and a pair of good binoculars. They keep a low profile in the water and surface every few minutes to breathe–often showing little more than their nostrils and the top of their heads.

Inshore dolphins

Three species of dolphin occur in Queensland’s coastal waters, with the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin being the most commonly seen, catching waves on surf beaches, feeding in the waters off rocky headlands, or even riding the bow waves of fast moving boats.

The other two inshore dolphins–the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin(external link) and the Australian snubfin dolphin(external link)–are much rarer. The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin has a patchy distribution along the Queensland coast preferring shallow coastal waters, bays and estuaries. They can be confused with bottlenose dolphins but are paler grey or sometimes pinkish with a smaller, low-profile, triangular dorsal fin. For more information on this species check out the species profile.

The Australian snubfin dolphin was only described as a species in 2005. Rarely seen, this species is worth looking out for as any sighting is significant and worth reporting to the department. With its rounded head, lacking the ‘beak’ found in other dolphins, and its small rounded dorsal fin, the snubfin dolphin will not be easily forgotten once sighted. It occurs as far south as central Queensland, inhabiting estuaries, rivers and bays. Check out its species profile for more information.

Common bottlenose dolphin

This species prefers deeper waters but can also be seen close to the coast. It is similar in appearance to the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin but generally larger.


Approach distances for whales and dolphins

Approach distances reduce the risk of disturbing whales or dolphins. They apply to boats (including kayaks and paddle boards), prohibited vessels (e.g. jet skis and hovercraft), aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft (e.g. drones), helicopters and people who are in the water.

Approach distances for dugongs only apply where a special management declaration has been made.

Approach distances are divided into caution zones and no approach zones.

Caution zones

The caution zone is an area surrounding a whale or dolphin in which boats cannot travel at speeds of more than six knots or speeds that create a wake. The caution zone extends out to 300 metres from a whale, and 150 metres for a dolphin.

No approach zones

Within a caution zone there are areas designated as ‘no approach’ zones that boats cannot enter. These are the areas closest to an animal and directly in front of and behind an animal. For a whale, the no approach zone surrounds the animal for 100 metres and extends 300 metres in front of and behind the animal. For dolphins, the no approach zone surrounds the animal for 50 metres and extends 150 metres in front of and behind the animal.

Getting to Visit a Natural Beauty like the Whitsunday Islands and Great Barrier Reef, we want to make sure it is protected so it is just as and even more beautiful the next time we get to return.

Some things we can do is make sure we minimize our waste, by careful planning. Make sure that all rubbish is returned to the mainland for proper disposal, and to think about the chemicals we may get used and how we can possibly use more environmentally friendly products.

Use Solar power where possible, use biodegradable liquids for washing detergent and any cleaners.

Wear suits in the water to prevent sunburn, or jellyfish stings. Or use a reef safe sun screen.

Use natural insect repellants. 


All these items can put harmful chemicals straight into the ocean and affect our marine and wildlife, so please be mindful and think ahead before you camping holiday. 


Tourism’s Carbon Footprint

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the places we visit. Ironically, tourism is not just a victim of global warming – it also contributes to the problem.

Climate change is primarily driven by humans releasing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Tourism is responsible for a substantial chunk of these emissions – accounting for roughly 8% of the world’s carbon emissions. As travel continues to become more affordable and accessible, this number will only grow.

How Do You Create CO2 When You Travel?

Every time you travel, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are generated. The most obvious (and significant) way this happens is by flying on a plane. 

Airplanes emit greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, from burning jet fuel. The amount of emissions that a single passenger is responsible for varies from flight to flight as it is influenced by numerous factors such as the distance traveled, cabin class, and type of aircraft. As just one example, a one-way flight from San Francisco to Paris can produce around 1.25 metric tons of carbon emissions per passenger. This is more CO2 than the average person in certain countries generates in an entire year. 

Here at Scamper Island Camping we offer a once a day scheduled service to utilize every one transferring, in and out of the islands as well as transferring in between, to be able to get on the same schedule, and reduce our emissions. This takes a lot of planning with tides and winds with a day to day schedule. We also calculate our emission’s to be able to improve our business and hopefully become carbon neutral.

We hope to in the future be able to offer to passengers Carbon Offsetting, but in the meantime, when travelling we suggest you use public transport where possible, turn off lights not needed in hotels, visit local and family owned businesses.

Responsible Travel Creates Positive Change

If you…

Eat at local restaurants, stay at local hotels, and book with local tour operators

Turn off the lights, take shorter showers, and avoid single-use plastics


Participate in a cooking class, buy a hand-crafted art piece, or attend a heritage festival

Pay entrance fees to visit national parks or other protected natural areas




Then you…

Support jobs and generate income for local community members


Conserve local water and energy resources and keep destinations pristine

Support the conservation of sensitive environments and native wildlife

Encourage the celebration of local culture and passing down of traditional skills